
Here is another good tutorial: Building Your Own Remote Desktop Solution: RustDesk Self-Hosted on Cloud with Docker (Hetzner)

Install your own server with Docker


You need to have Docker/Podman installed to run a rustdesk-server as a Docker container. If in doubt, install Docker with this guide to ensure it’s the most up to date!

Be sure to open these ports in the firewall:

  • hbbs:
    • 21114 (TCP): used for web console, only available in Pro version.
    • 21115 (TCP): used for the NAT type test.
    • 21116 (TCP/UDP): Please note that 21116 should be enabled both for TCP and UDP. 21116/UDP is used for the ID registration and heartbeat service. 21116/TCP is used for TCP hole punching and connection service.
    • 21118 (TCP): used to support web clients.
  • hbbr:
    • 21117 (TCP): used for the Relay services.
    • 21119 (TCP): used to support web clients.

If you do not need web client support, the corresponding ports 21118, 21119 can be disabled.

Docker examples

sudo docker image pull rustdesk/rustdesk-server
sudo docker run --name hbbs -v ./data:/root -td --net=host --restart unless-stopped rustdesk/rustdesk-server hbbs
sudo docker run --name hbbr -v ./data:/root -td --net=host --restart unless-stopped rustdesk/rustdesk-server hbbr

--net=host only works on Linux, which makes hbbs/hbbr see the real incoming IP Address rather than the Container IP ( If --net=host works fine, the -p options are not used. If on Windows, leave out sudo and --net=host.

Please remove --net=host if you are having connection problems on your platform.

If you cannot see logs with -td, you can see logs via docker logs hbbs. Or you can run with -it, hbbs/hbbr will not run as daemon mode.

Docker Compose examples

For running the Docker files with the compose.yml as described here you need to have Docker Compose installed.

    container_name: hbbs
    image: rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest
    command: hbbs
      - ./data:/root
    network_mode: "host"

      - hbbr
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: hbbr
    image: rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest
    command: hbbr
      - ./data:/root
    network_mode: "host"
    restart: unless-stopped

If you need to make config changes e.g. set ALWAYS_USE_RELAY=Y you can use environment in the docker-compose.yml

    container_name: hbbs
    image: rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest
    command: hbbs
      - ./data:/root
    network_mode: "host"

      - hbbr
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: hbbr
    image: rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest
    command: hbbr
      - ./data:/root
    network_mode: "host"
    restart: unless-stopped