RustDesk Server Pro

RustDesk Server Pro has more features compared to the open source version.

If you build your own server on your home/office, and can’t connect it through public IP/domain, please check this article.

We recommend reading this first before proceeding, How does self-hosted server work?.

Hardware requirement

Lowest level VPS is enough for your use cases. The server software is not CPU and memory intensive. Our public ID server hosted on a 2 CPU/4 GB Vultr server serves 1.0+ million endpoints. Each relay connection consumes avg 180kb per second. 1 cpu core and 1G ram is enough to support 1000 relay concurrent connections.

Video tutorials

There are many video tutorials available online that can guide you through installing the OSS version,

The installation of the Pro version is almost identical, except for the following differences:

  • Different download path and Docker images are required.
  • An additional TCP port (21114) is needed for the web console.


You can get license from, check license page for more details.


bash <(wget -qO-
wget -O compose.yml
docker compose up -d

For more details, please check Docker.

Ports Required

You need port 21114-21119 TCP and 21116 UDP open, please ensure these ports are setup when you set firewall rules and Docker port mapping.

More information about these ports, please check here.

Set license

Open your web console by accessing http://<server ip>:21114, log in using the default credentials admin/test1234 admin/test1234. Follow this guide to set the license.

Upgrade Server

This guide covers how to upgrade RustDesk Server Pro from a lower version, addressing different installation methods.

Setup HTTPS for web console

Here is a simple tutorial of manual HTTPS setup.

Migrate to new host and backup / restore

Here is a detailed tutorial.

Migrate license

Please follow this guide.

Upgrade license

Follow this guide to upgrade your license for more users and devices at any time.