
Buy license

Please get your license from, enter a valid email address in the Stripe checkout page. The license (and the invoice in a separate mail) will be sent to your email once payment is done successfully.

Set license

You will be required to enter license in the web console (http://<rustdesk-server-pro-ip>:21114), or change license later.

Set licenseChange license

Renew/upgrade license

Renew/upgrade license can be found via the self-service license portal as described below.

License page with renew/upgrade actionsUpgrade window

After making the payment, please refresh the license as below to activate it.

Refresh license

After payment, you need to proceed to the web console to activate it manually as below. Just click on Edit, then OK, no need to edit anything, because your license key remains the same.

Invoices, License Retrieval and Migration

The license can be only used on one machine (for hbbs only, hbbr does not require license), if you want to migrate to the other machine, retrieve your license or download invoices, please go to Log in with the email address used for Stripe checkout, unbind the old machine you want to migrate from as below, when you set the license in the new servers web console it will assign the license and register automatically in the console.


If your server can not access internet to verify license directly, you can add proxy, e.g. proxy= ./hbbs.

Alternatively, you can add proxy= to .env file under working directory (where id_ed25519 / db.sqlite3 files reside).

http can be replaced with https or socks5. If there is no username / password / port, it can be proxy=